Building Tour
Rock Creek Community Academy is located at 8000 Diefenbach Lane in Sellersburg Indiana.
We offer creative education to Kindergarten, all the way to high school seniors.
Our new facility is broken up into four wings connected by a central corridor containing the main offices, caffeteria, and athletics offices.
Elementary Wing
Please enjoy this quick walkthrough of our Elementary Wing.
The Elementary Wing contains all elementary classes Kindergarten through fifth grade. There are dedicated elementary restrooms facilities as well as access to our new outdoor playground equipment.
The Elementary Wing is connected to the Main Corridor via a cafeteria entrance.
Middle School Wing
Please enjoy this quick walkthrough of our Middle School Wing.
Housing grades Sixth through Eighth is our Middle School Wing.
The wing contains all classes needed for our Middle School program as well as our Art studio and Business education classroom.
A dedicated restroom is located within the wing as well.
High School Wing
Please enjoy this quick walkthrough of our High School Wing.
Our High School wing contains all classrooms for the oldest at Rock Creek.
Grades Ninth through Twelfth are found in this wing, along with our Biology lab and Digital Media Classroom.