Tips to help struggling readers

Helping struggling readers at home can be a challenge. It’s important to remember that every child is different and may require different approaches in order to make progress. Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Read with your child: Reading with your child can help build skills, confidence and a love for reading. Make it a habit to read together every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Ask questions about the story, point out any words they may not know and discuss the plot.

2. Introduce phonics: Teaching your child phonics can help them sound out new words and understand their meaning. Start with simple word families such as “at”, “an” and “am”. You can make it fun by playing word games, like word bingo.

3. Use technology: Technology can be a great tool to help struggling readers. There are a number of apps and websites available that can help with reading and phonics. Consider using these to supplement your child’s learning.

4. Make learning into a game: Games can make learning more fun and help struggling readers practice their skills. Try making up your own games or use ones that are already available.

5. Have a positive attitude: It’s important to remember that learning to read takes time and it may seem like progress is slow. Praise your child for their efforts and encourage them to keep trying.

These are just a few tips to help you support your child’s reading development at home. Remember to be patient and be consistent with your approaches. With the right strategies and support, your child may be able to make great strides in their reading skills.


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