Quality education
in your own backyard
Interested in attending Rock Creek?
K-12 School
Rock Creek is a K-12 school located in a small town in Sellersburg. It has a strong focus on providing a quality education for its students, with an emphasis on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The school also values community involvement and encourages its students to get involved in the local community. Rock Creek has a strong academic culture and a supportive and welcoming atmosphere for all students.
Integrated Technology
At Rock Creek, technology integration is a priority. The school provides students with the latest technology resources to support their learning. Teachers use a variety of tools, such as interactive whiteboards, iPads, and Chromebooks, to help students explore topics in unique and innovative ways. Additionally, the school’s online platform allows students to submit assignments, collaborate with peers, and access educational resources from any device. Through these resources, Rock Creek students are able to develop a wide range of skills, from basic literacy to problem solving, that will prepare them for success in the 21st century..
Character Counts
At Rock Creek, we believe that character-building activities are an essential part of a student's education. We strive to integrate these activities into our Character Counts curriculum, from Kindergarten to Twelfth Grade. At each grade level, we work to provide activities that are age-appropriate and teach valuable lessons about honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility. By helping our students develop strong character, we are setting them up for success in school, in the workforce, and in life.
At Rock Creek Community Academy, we take immense pride in being part of the Purple Star School program, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to supporting our veterans and their families. We understand the sacrifices made by those who have served our nation, and we’re honored to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for them and their families.
Our dedication to this cause goes beyond words – it’s ingrained in our very fabric. One shining example of this commitment is our esteemed Resource Officer, Retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Bill Paro. Mr. Paro brings a wealth of 20 years of military experience to our staff. His insight, understanding, and expertise ensure that we’re not only meeting the needs of our veterans and their families but exceeding them.
Rock Creek Food Services
Grow their creative confidence
Group learning at Rock Creek Community Academy is incredibly important for students to gain a better understanding of the material. Group learning allows students to communicate their ideas and work together to solve problems, develop critical thinking skills, and foster collaboration. It also encourages students to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. Group learning also helps develop social skills, such as teamwork, listening, and communication, which are essential for success in any field.
At Rock Creek Community Academy, building confidence in students is of utmost importance. Confidence is essential for students to develop into successful, self-reliant individuals. It allows them to believe in their abilities, set goals, and work hard to achieve them. Confidence also encourages students to take risks, think outside the box, and find creative solutions to problems. By building self-reliance in students, Rock Creek Community Academy will help create a generation of strong, successful, and independent thinkers.